Obstacles Facing Workers in Voluntary Social Work in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Document Type : Original Article



            this study aimed to know the most important impediments that face workers in the field of  voluntary social work in alkarak almazar aljanubi ,the society of the study consisted of the whole supervisors of voluntary works in the area K ,the society of the study consisted of (168) male and female " members and chairpersors " , and a simple  sample of (50) persons was randomly selected from is society from the workers in volwntery work .
Te results were as follows:-
Males are more then females , and the hieghest age group that share voluntary work is the group wite ages more than (36) years, the woring members one the majority , they were (31) from (50) .
For education , (20) subject from the sample were less then secandery school , while the of qualifications were close .
The number of individuals wite secandery school level was                   ( 12) , dipluma (10) , bechlore ( 8) persons.
For the income (19) of he subjects gain then 200 j p monthly, (19) of the subjects whom their income averaged from 200 to 299 jd monthly 3 whom their incomes  averaged from 300 to 399 jd monthly and 5 indinduals their income were higher then 400 jd monthly .
*that faced voluntary works were as follows:-
- the legal impediments had the hieghest average of (2,9833) , then followed by culturad
* Impediments wite average of (2, 5029), the financial.
* Impediments write average of (2, 3600), the finally.
*the personal impediments write average of (1, 9286).

Main Subjects