Discourse and Deliberative Approach

Document Type : Original Article



           Rhetoric is a form that influences us without our full realization. It is a pattern that persuades us and programmes our lives, including our behaviors & situations. It is a vivid reflection of the entire community, the organization and the system in the aggregate.
Comprehensive Rhetoric has different arrays and can address a wide spectrum of domains. Yet, comprehensive rhetoric is governed by its own philosophy and its internal dynamism. Several patterns of speech can go under the umbrella of the comprehensive rhetoric, and can be ruled by its laws and regulations.
          Therefore, rhetoric comparison is not an easy task. All methodologies have attempted to disclose it but unfortunately they were nothing but sheer comparisons endeavoring to establish certain readings about it in a bid to explore its essence. These attempts are un-ending and un-relenting.
            Deliberative rhetoric is a form of those readings which we propose in this synopsis to establish a rhetoric comparison, being the easiest pattern in both form & content. Additionally, it is not complicated, but rather flowing smoothly in verbal contextual / social situations.