Amiri Speech and Internal Matters Facing the Kuwaiti National Assembly (1963-1986)

Document Type : Original Article



The Amiri Speech, is a Address by Prince at the opening of every session of every legislative term of the National Assembly of Kuwait ,  and shows the policy of government domestic and foreign from the previous period , it shows its position and role of the direction of the various issues in the coming period .After reading it to deputies of the nation ,they will form a committee of deputies  to respond the Amiri Speech , and after the completion presents the speech  to Council of Representatives in a meeting to discuss it ,  and it may take several sessions in order to express their opinions towards different issues both internally and externally , and after the completion of those discussions parliament approves the final report of the Commission answer for the Amiri Speech , and then sent to the government to capitalize from it .
            What matters here is the position of the speech of domestic issues, where it was the most important issues of education, which the Government confirmed that it is a human right enjoyed by all citizens, and human investment in the service of the overall development, as indicated by the letter to health care and upgrading the quality and quantity, prevention The treatment, in the context of equitable distribution both geographically and socially.
            In the Amiri speech, the issue of security  was taken as the most important priorities for government action resulting in commitments to develop internal security and elevate it, also the housing of important topics and sensitive addressed by the Amiri Speech, in addition to the rest of the domestic issues which will highlight it, and the position of Parliament on what is stated in the letter.