Indicative Repetition and its Influence on Textual Cohesion in «The Conference of the Birds» by Farid Al-Din Al-Attar

Document Type : Original Article



The term "repetition" is very important for literary scholars, being a form of lexical coherence which leads to a coherent text. Literal repetition is the recombining of lexical element with a term or the occurrence of a synonym, semi-synonym, absolute element, general pronoun, or others.
The research aims at studying one of the literal correlation or coherence methods, namely the indicative repetition, and emphasizing its role in achieving consistency and harmony among the text parts and the correlation of its elements at Farid ud-Din Attar, based on the literal analysis approach. Further, we used the approach of analysis to constitutional elements or what is known as the constitutional approach.
The research concluded many results: the Conference of the Birds structure accommodated all forms of indicative repetitions, in its two types: lexical and content. Further, the indicative repetition did not occur spontaneously within the text, but it was deliberately used in the text which led to a cohesive and consistent text.


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