Social Dimensions of the Phenomenon of Violence Against Women :A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article



The study determined the problem in the discussion and analysis of the social dimensions of the phenomenon of violence against women in the Saudi Society, where Saudi Arabia family is witnessing a lot of manifestations of violence against women, whether violent or symbolic material directly. Despite reflected in statistics and reports of the growing phenomenon of violence against women, but stated that these ratios also sees many researchers do not constitute only a very small part of what is happening in reality.
And the phenomenon of violence against women in the Saudi Society related with  inherited customs and traditions that differentiate greatly between men and women, and often put women in a lower grade. Then be a direct target for women shed man or indirectly, through the exercise of violence against women, both physical and symbolic; retaliation from other things have nothing to do with women subject of violence.
According to this, study aims to identify the social dimensions of the phenomenon of violence against women in the Saudi Arabia family Through a field study on a sample of females in Jeddah.
 This study belongs to descriptive studies based on social survey sample, and we have adopted in the collection of data on the application of questionnaire to identify the sample size (375) Single female, As well as the organization of a number of discussion groups.
Among the most important findings of the study that the majority of respondents had experienced different forms of violence especially verbal violence within the family, whether by the father, husband or brother, and was the majority of respondents to the violence without justification or convincing reason for this violence, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the monthly income of the family and socialization based on the difference in treatment between males and females, and social causes in the forefront of the reasons why victims of violence for violence due to link violence largely cultural heritage.

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