Social Benifit of Sociology: "A Field Study on a Sample of Social Workers"

Document Type : Original Article



            This study aims at benifit of sociology on a sample of social workersfor the purpose of measuring the reflection of  social  benifit of sociology on social workers .
            To achieve this ooal ,and in the light of the nature relevant to this study case study has been used as a methodology, so that social benifit can be detected , so as its application importance in facing Egyptian society's problems by the the application on the sample study.
             As for the sample study's characteristics and fields , this study will be applied in the light of intended  (specified ) social workers in social insurance ministry and its departments in shebin- elkom , and the human domain has been represented in the society of social workers .
          This study has concluded a number of results , which manifested directly the importance and benifit of sociology among which the important results are :
1) Sociology indeed become a basic source in making ( laying) social plans and programs of social insurance ministry .   
2) Same mechanisms must be taken care of to validate sociology's role in development process by increasing specified funding for reaserchs – and the importance of connecting the reaserch outcome with the social problems in society .
3) A clear scientific strategy must be layed ( planned ) to develop sociology , and it must be effective , thourough and national.
Thus , this study in its analysis confirm that it is important to activate and achieve social benefit of sociology by studying the case of social workers in different sociology fields .