Unknown building in Acores: an architectural and functional analytical study

Document Type : Original Article



The excavation which carried out by the Japanese mission in the city of Akoris - Tehna El-Gebel in Menia governorate in 1984 discovered remains of a building with only a large floor covered by limestone slabs. The floor is surrounded by foundations slightly above the ground. The mission reported only an short architectural description for the building Without any attempt to interpret the building or understand its architectural function or even an analytical or architectural study to date, which is what this paper aimed, especially since the building is located within the vicinity of the temple of god Sobek, followed the Greek - Roman architecture style inside an Egyptian temple Identity in terms of style and worship, and thus, this paper will focus on the relationship between the temple and the building, and the religious life and practices of Akoris during the Greek and Roman periods. This building seems to have played an important function for the temple and its worship and religious practices.

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