theology by Ibn Assaker

Document Type : Original Article



The study entitled (theology by Ibn Assaker ) tackles the Biography and methodology of Imam Abu Qasim bin Asaker through his important book ( Tabiiyn Kadhab Almaftari) Which was classified by the great fundamentalist and theologian between the sixth century AH / 12th century AD, It turns out that the Ibn Asakar fundamentalist Shami great on the doctrine of Ash'ari without exaggeration, defend a lot from the Imam al-Ash'ari and the doctrinal beliefs, and his classification of a lot of circulation between readers and historians updated in the issues of Islamic theology and the unification and Ash'ari theological and doctrines against the early retreat. As for the translations of the Ash'ari men whom we have chosen to represent Ibn Asaker, they are translations that speak of themselves as Ash'ari personalities who are not particularly distinguished by the translation of Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi and Abu Mansour al-Baghdadi. Of the total number of translations we have submitted, we are conducting the research .
In the light of all this, we see that the book of (AL-Tabiiyn) in the doctrinal Ash'ari beliefs remains a page of strong defense of the people of the Sunnis, does not duplicate the powers of Ash'ari, The book of the fundamentalist in the Monotheism remains the light that does not extinguish its light between the Authors of fundamentalists of the Ashariyah and their beliefs of the Sunnis without a statement about the decline of retirement and their call for words and Faith without (how?) .


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