Extended offer, conditional acceptance and its contemporary applications

Document Type : Original Article



Offer and acceptance is a contract requirement.Extended offer is a new term means"Acceptance issued by one contractor, which extend to a period that doesn't end by contract ending-whether it was determined by offeror or not-the offeree is allowed to accept it" which may called differently by some contemporaries.
The offeror can recourse his offer before acceptance issuance, unless the offer is obligatory. Or both parties agreed on defining it with period, or there is a norm requires offeror commitment. In these cases the offeror must commit and can't recourse.
Period determination isn't required in extended offer.And its validity doesn't depend on requiring or defining it. Unless the offeror define a limited period .where he should commit and determine it according to norm.
The offeror can offer a patrimony described product whether it belongs to him or not. And whether the offer was obligatory or not. It's also allowed if the product was specified and belongs to offeror in both obligatory and non obligatory.It's not allowed if the product was specified and doesn’t belong to offeror in both obligatory and non obligatory.Offer can be issued without knowing the price, as long as the contract will be issued after knowing the price if the offer isn't obligatory. But if obligatory, it's not allowed.
Extended offer is applicable to full-fledged requirement marketing commercial.And on some bank transactions types.


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