"Mortality and the annihilation in Al-Hallaj"

Document Type : Original Article



The research, " Mortality and the annihilation in Al-Hallaj, contains three parts:
First: Symbols and references in the texts of  Al-Hallaj
In this part we deal with the poetic and prosaic symbols that are considered the first mystical manifestations  in symbols and references, and we have taken examples of cryptography and parables in order determine their relation to mortality and connect them to mysticism, and we have discovered how Al-Hallaj hired the symbol in the service of the mystical text.
Second: The concept of the mortality and annihilation in Al-Hallaj
We will look at the reality of annihilation in Al-Hallaj, and we have tried as much as we could to show false interpretations and misinterpretations about annihilation, as there was a misunderstanding of the interpretation of the texts, and lack of understanding of the mystic metaphor, and how Al-Hallaj proves more than the text of the duality " Difference and separation between the world and the incident and does not mix between humanity and divine attributes" in his prosaic texts more than in poetry, and that mortality is only a metaphorical linguistic mortality.
Third: Orientalists' views on the concept of the mortality at Al-Hallaj

 In this part, we have tried to refute the narrow views - in our opinion - of linking mysticism to foreign influences and how mysticism and mortality are implicit in the Islamic heritage. We have tried to comment on the false concept mortality in many of them.

Main Subjects