The Impact of Personal and Social Responsibility on Compliance With the Traffic Law in the Egyptian urban society

Document Type : Original Article



Researcher: Sanaa Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ahmed, Lecturer, Department of Sociology , Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
Research Aim: Identify The Impact of Personal and Social Responsibility on Compliance With the Traffic Law in the Egyptian urban society
Research Methodology: Descriptive Analytical Method, Social Survey Method and Comparative Method .
Research Tools: Personal and Social Responsibility Scale, and Compliance With Traffic Law Scale .
Research Sample: Consists of  A Simple Random Sample of (400) Drivers of Public Vehicles in The Assiut City
Research Results:
-     There are Statistically Significant Differences Between Individuals of the Research Sample in the Level of Personal and Social Responsibility Due to Age, Social Status, Educational Level, Monthly Income, Years of Experience and Place of Residence
-     There are Statistically Significant Differences Between Individuals of the Research Sample in the Level of Compliance with the Traffic Law Due to Age, Social Status, Educational Level, Monthly Income, Years of Experience and Place of Residence .
-     There are Statistically Significant Differences Between the Sample of Taxi Drivers and the sample of bus and Minibuses drivers in the level of personal and social responsibility, and the level of compliance with traffic law .
-     There is a Significant Correlation Between the Personal Responsibility and Compliance with Traffic Law of the Sample of Taxi Drivers and Bus and Minibuses Drivers.
-     There is a significant correlation between social responsibility and compliance with traffic law of the sample of taxi drivers and bus and Minibuses drivers.

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