Contemporary Linguistic, Morphological and Grammatical Mistakes: Points of view

Document Type : Original Article



The paper examines five issues of contemporary linguistic, morphological, and grammatical mistakes that are common among some writers, teachers, and academics, or that contemporarily occur in books of syntax, linguistic mistakes, and rules or writing. It explains the right method of use by discussing those issues according to clear evidence, old poetry and prose examples, linguistic precise criteria,by distinguishing between what we can draw an analogy and what we cannot, and by referring to pioneers and old scholars and their intellectualism.
The five issues are:

changing Hamzat al-Wasl into Hamzat Qat‘ in names in situations other than poetic license
the expressionto describe a suite which is a part of a level in a multi-level house and in which a family lives
the use of the verb “taballagh” (to be informed)in sentence such as “a person has been informed of the decision”
changing the letter Ya’ into Hamzah after the plural Alif in “mafa‘il”
the expression to describe a man who has no wife and a woman who has no husband