Underage Marriage between Commodification and Trafficking: A Case Study of Tourism Marriage in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article



Reasons leading to this phenomenon are numerous, which start from the decline of economic standard and stop the cultural hereditary which considers woman as a matter, the society attempts to get rid of – if is old by burying her alive and if new by buying her. The absence of awareness resulting from illiteracy and the spread of corruption. Also, the absence of security umbrella which prevents violation of the girls and her humanity, as well as religious legal opinions that legitimate and bless this marriage. So, the study aimed at defining the purpose of touristic marriage and its circumstances, to be aware of the prompote reasons towards this type of marriage with defining the role of substitute network frame of marriage in the scope of trading in humans and its reasons. It is shown through the facts of the field study that girls were married to the gulf people because of poverty and escaping from it, which was obvious through the desire of girls to enjoy the welfare of living with these husbands due to their high material status which is the first reason and able to be circularized on all cases, specially the ration of those who agreed to it, reached all study cases.
