Social and Political Transformations in conjunction with Egyptian Personality Traits : A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article



Egyptian society witnessed many of the political and economic transformations, social and cultural rights since the revolution of 23 July 1952 and until now, At the level of political transitions is the most important in the district of the July revolution on the political system royal "liberal" and bring revolutionary regime abolished political pluralism and canceled the parties, and the evolution of historically to a system of "one-party", which was represented by the Socialist Union, then saw the era of former President Anwar Sadat cancellation Union Arab Socialist and allow the establishment of political parties. Then saw the Egyptian political system transformation in the era of former President Hosni Mubarak represented in the constitutional amendments led to the conversion of the presidential election of the referendum system to direct ballot. Then came the most prominent transformation in the Egyptian political system in recent decades, which is represented in the revolution of January 25, 2011 - that overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak - and the election of the first civilian president - overthrown by revolution June 30, 2013 -. As for the economic transformation comes in the forefront of transformation in the development strategy dependence on public sector to the trend towards the adoption of policies of economic openness and privatization. As for the social and cultural transformations is represented mainly in the absence of social justice in the distribution of income and wealth under the policies of economic liberalization and privatization, and the spread of the culture of consumption, and the negative impact on the moral system of the Egyptian society.
This has had a great impact on transitions Egyptian personality characteristics, where the Egyptian personality characteristics associated historical and structural changes that occur in society. then, this variable nature of features such as posed by the structure at the same time are relative to continue, new features Mixed with the old, so that is neither Erase nor upset him, but interacts with him, and produces a new type of personal, so the contemporary Egyptian personality are the product of Egyptian society.
Hence, the study identified a the problem in the monitoring and analysis of the impact of social and political transformations witnessed by the Egyptian society in recent decades on the Egyptian personality characteristics.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study was a review of studies descriptive and methodology that attempted to determine personality characteristics Egyptian, has also been applied form the interview Standardized on a sample intentionally quota - 300 individual - according to the standard of profession and education of some social groups in the cities of Tanta and Kafr El-Sheikh, universities Tanta and KafrSheikh, Menoufiya, Banha and Dumyat.
Among the most important findings of the current study, the continuation of positive characteristics, such as religiosity, patience, humor, fun and patience, and the link to the land and the family, pride and dignity, and national and sacrifice, generosity, and tolerance. As it turns out the persistence of negative characteristics and carelessness, trickery " Fahloh " and fraud, hypocrisy and lies, contradictions and duplication in special conditions, and in certain historical periods increased where contradiction unit and social injustice, and increasing despotism and force the ruling authority.