The Assassination of King "Teti": A New Perspective Based on Recent Discoveries and Archeological Evidence

Document Type : Original Article



This research speaks about the mysterious destiny of this king as the only evidence about the death of Teti was written by manetho who said that he was killed by his guards but with no archeological evidence..
We can see that the Egyptologists point of view about this subject are different especially in the past few decades, and in this article the researcher proves the theory of manetho which says according to the expedition of SCA under supervision of professor Zahi Hawass :-

they discovered the tomb of his eldest son "Teti Ankh km" from his wife "Iput" which was assassinated.
the pyramid of "khoyet" is older than the pyramid of "Iput" which means that she is the first wife and her sons are legal to get the throne.

From these two discoveries we can conclude that there was a conflict between Teti's sons to get the throne which ended by the death of "Teti" and his son ,, also ,"Userkaf" got the throne by the help of priests of "Ra"..
We could also see that the inscription in Teti's tomb were erased which proves he was killed by his guards..