Applied Methods of Criticism in Iranian Children's Literature: Mohamed Hadi Mohammdi’s Critical Perspective"Mohamed Hadi Mohammdi"

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims at monitoring the most important criticizing features used in criticism and evaluation of the works directed to the children in Iran due to their importance through which we can realize the most important achievements and development in the field of literary criticism in Iran especially, the children's literature criticism by the criticizing opinions provided by the Iranian children author (Mohamed Hadi Mohammadi) in his book  (methodology of chidren literature criticism). The researcher presents a methodological criticism for these features clarifying the validity or invalidity of them to be applied in the children's literature as she adopting for that the "descriptive approach" which tackles by analyzing and discussion the viewpoints manifested by he Iranian author (Mohamed Hadi Mohammadi) about the criticizing features used in the children's literature.
This study includes an introduction in which we tackle taking about the children's literature and its criticism in Iran. Then, giving a definition for the book author and his most important works. Thereafter, we present his viewpoints relating to the most important criticizing features used in the children's literature.