Intertextuality Levels in the Poetry of the Egyptian Writers of the Sixties

Document Type : Original Article



Intertextuality term had had influence role at the contemporary critical studies for its spreading specialy in the last stage that clearly it held a status among the terms and the recent critical curriculums that because every text has relation to another number of texts that had been written before, or the thoughts in the author's mind and his experiences and culture, other texts from every reader's life and his culture that attract each new reading to the consciousness and unconsciousness .After all that the meaning in every author's mind and reader's mind is collective result (Community) on the other hand singular (personal).                                                                                                                    
 Intertextuality has branching strategies and various techniques that it's difficult to follow all of them in one poetic text . Because these techniques have  standrds of the attendance and the absence so as to appear some to disappear the other. And appear that disappear in another experience .                                            
Recall mechanism is one of the intertextuality techniques which used in  the poet's poems of the sixties , therefore I will explain it in this search .