Religious historical narratives through the books of the Hadith

Document Type : Original Article



The study of the books of the Hadith is of great importance. It provides historical, religious, social, political, economic, humanitarian and scientific information, which we find no similar in other works, thus closing many gaps in the field of Arab Islamic history. We divided the research into four sections. In the first section we discussed the mention of the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and mentioned the previous nations. We spoke in the second section: about Marwaites about the Arabs before Islam. In the third section, we refer to the narration of Marwaites on the era of the message. In Section 4 we refer to Marwaites from the Rashidi era. Through our study of the historical research (historical religious narratives through Hadith books), we found the following results: The Hadith books are rich in historical, religious, long, medium and short, which enriched the field of Arab Islamic history with valuable information. The books of the hadeeth are mentioned by mentioning information about the Prophets (peace be upon them) and about the previous nations. As the books of the Hadith pointed out that the Islamic religion has abolished many of the rituals of ignorance, as well as abolished the alliance of idols and parents, and replaced by trust and help God Almighty. The books of Hadith provided valuable information about the era of the message, including the conversion of the Qibla towards the Kaaba after the introduction of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the city. The books of the modern miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, indicating the virtue of God Almighty upon the Prophet peace be upon him when he gave him these miracles. The Hadith books did not overlook the developments that took place in the Prophet's Mosque in the era of the Caliphs, may Allah be pleased with them, and other Merriot dealing with the Rashidi era.