The Features of Political Awareness Absence and its Reflections on the Directions of Youth toward Electronic Protests A Study on a sample of Youth at Assiut Governorate "

Document Type : Original Article



The current study has aimed at recognizing the features of political awareness absence represented in the crises of political knowledge, identity, involvement and political participation and their effects on the directions of youth toward electronic protests. As there are cognitive, intellectual and   political changes related to the political scene in the Egyptian society after the 25th of January and 30st of June revolutions. This has led to the exploitation of this political scene by some groups, classes and organizations. The virtual society is available for all persons and the real political awareness has remarkable reflections on the political phenomena such as electronic protests .The researcher has used a measure of political awareness absence features and youth 'directions toward the electronic protests. This measure included many areas and minor dimensions. The first area includes the features of awareness absence, and this area included dimensions such as the crises of political knowledge, identity, involvement and political participation which are considered as indicators of awareness absence. The second area has included three dimensions such as the directions toward the calls for protests and strikes; the directions toward forming political alliances as well as the directions toward targeting the governmental locations. The third area included two dimensions. The first dimension refers to the positive directions and the second one refers to the negative directions. The fourth area contained the dimensions of the social effects resulting in the electronic protests. The measure has been applied on a sample of undergraduate and postgraduate students at Assiut University. The study sample consisted of (300) item. These items were selected in a simple and random method. The researcher has come down to some finding such as the extent of correlation between the political position disorder and awareness absence for the research sample. Thus, those persons are directed toward the negative forms of protests.