Mothers' attitudes towards buying electronic toys for their children

Document Type : Original Article



The research aims to identify the trends of mothers towards the purchase of the electronic games for their children, and if the mother was a career and collected scientific have an impact on this trend, and to achieve the goals of research, the researcher building closed questionnaire adopted in the construction on the literature and previous studies in the field of research, as well as an open questionnaire distributed to prospective sample of mothers have been through direct two questions have two: Do you prefer to buy electronic games for your children? And why? Through their answers analysis managed researcher to identify the paragraphs of the closed questionnaire, namely, (34), paragraph turns out the pros and cons of electronic games for children and alternatives (I agree too, I agree, AC,I don’t agree), and these forms are distributed to a random sample of mothers, children, the city of  Baghdad, which range from the ages of 4-6 years numbered 180 or dependent distribution of the variables of the profession and academic achievement, and after collecting the forms and discharged and extract the number of iterations and the use of the test Altai for one sample and analysis of variance unilateral means statistically, was reached a set of conclusions, including that mothers trends some buy electronic games a negative meaning that most mothers find that the electronic games can cause different damage to their babies if they were used on an ongoing basis. the results also showed that not a profession and educational attainment no effect on maternal attitudes towards the purchase of the electronic games for their children, which shows that mothers thinking in this area because of similar because they are living under the same conditions and the same type of culture in this area.
Based on results research was presented a number of recommendations concerning the need to take care of public culture and correct guidance in the field of electronic games and get to know the negatives and positives to be the direction of parents' right and conscious when purchasing electronic games for their children.