Orally and written awareness dialectic in samples of pre-Islamic poetry Hermeneutics study

Document Type : Original Article



This research studies the images writing in selected samples of pre-Islamic poetry, and displays some features of orally theory that emerged       from  the western critical mind it trying to approach the ” Homery issue”, and access to the memory laws and construction systems, poetic creativity orally,and orally initial receiving , in  compared with models of the efforts of some Arab researchers in their approach to the doubt  issue of Pre-Islamic Poetry .This research tries to reveals the ontology of   language  , and the importance of modern science language to visibility the poetic  creativity   and make intellectually and aesthetically approach ; as the language is the existence house , or the being house, as Martin Heidegger states.
The research reveals writing  images that contacted - through the image - with “Stand on Talal. ” The Pre-Islamic poets consistently resoles the ”Talal” to the writing .  This research  tries to make approach of their writing awareness through the transformation of Nature /” Talal” to Writing/ Culture in the poetic   image.

This research take analytical  and hermeneutics method to study the writing images and it representations range of the writing awareness at the Pre-Islamic poets .