Narrative Structure in Al-Zahawi Book “Revolution in Hell”

Document Type : Original Article



This simple research aim to study Al- Zahawi Epic
(Revolution in Hell) ,narrative study through several axes, and
these axes are:       
The Title: The title is the most important means of semantic and aesthetic in the construction of the text, the title play an active role in the literary processes that the creator keen to select accurately, because he is aware about the sensitivity of the text’s link, and the interaction between him and the language text.  
In the epic of Al Zahawi the title formed the significance key,that refers to Al Zahawi’s suffering and the pain that gripping his text through his word (Revolution).       
     The Anecdotal Structure In The Epic:- The poet intended for more than one style and technique, for example he arranged and coordinated the sections
،in order to fit the events, but there left the additions that Al Zahawi studies in the event structure،in order to magniflicent some matters and details in order to create the dramatic ‚ worsening.            
The dialogue: it’s two types:             
Internal dialogue, External dialogue, in this epic as we

noticed Al Zahawi used the veil technique, the poet’s self-overlap with the anecdotal character strongly that they unite together to serve particular situation or idea.   
    Time: we reached two levels of time studying, which is:
1- Horizontal level: by depending on retrieval and preemption technique that they described as prominent guide of clearing the reordering of the events in the level of narrative time “ Story’s time”. Inside the poetic text structure and
،t is a must format in the narrative text in general.
2- Vertical level: it is the order that comes through the clear
contrast between the story’s time and narrative time, from,
direction, story’s time measured by seconds, minutes,
days, months and years, while the story’s time measured
by lines, sentences, paragraphs and pages. because there is
a reason in the text’s events process inside the poem.
The place:- The place in “Revolution in Hell Epic” It
،s    divided into: