The expressive implications of sadness in the Abdelsabour’s poetry

Document Type : Original Article



Sadness features prominently in Salah Abdelsabour’s poetry in the lexical, syntactic, imagistic and rhythmical composition. His poems come out as hidden cry which transcends the immediate concerns of his context to escape the miserable reality to an imaginative vast world. He has realized the problems of his time and felt the pain. For him, sadness is extraordinary. It is a state of a severe argument into the realm of the self to a state of introspection where the poet aspires to a pure life as opposed to the degraded social reality.  

The study is composed of an introduction, five sections and a conclusion. The first section deals with sadness and introspection. The second section tackles the dialectical relationship between sadness and love. The third section demonstrates the symbols of melancholic imagination. The fourth section focuses on the feeling of death and the memory of sadness. The last element tackles the rhythm and sad tone. Finally, there is the conclusion and the footnotes.