Faming of the presidential elections’ coverage in Egyptian newspapers websites (A comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article



There is no doubt that the online journalism has imposed its presence on the Arab media scene, and has become a major source of information and news without competition. It is interesting that online journalism did not exist two decades ago, but it has been able to achieve steady growth on the scene and attract diverse segments of the public, which was directly associated with it after the normal user became the maker and engine of this progress, and in a short time online journalism became very important in political life, social and economic and in various aspects of life. This study aims to identify the nature and the coverage of Egyptian e-newspapers in various types of ownership (governmental, party, private) for the Egyptian presidential elections by using the theory of media framing, using the content analysis tool and to identify the main ideas and media framing and prominent personalities related to the presidential election news in the electronic newspapers under study. Among the most important results of the study was the “participation framework” in the first place in the media frames used to address the issue of the presidential elections in2014 (16,5%), followed by “more than one frame” (14,4%) and the “responsibility frame” (11,6).

Kew words: Frames – online journalism – presidential elections