Ancient Egyptian Society and Philosophy of Law

Document Type : Original Article


FatmaFaragAbd el-Hay, Currently M.A.: Postgraduate Student in Egyptological Section, Dept.of History, Ain Shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt


This paper is tocast a new light on thephilosophy of ancient Egyptian law.In fact, ancient Egyptian law has not changed over the course of the centuries; however, the new authorities are exercising a new form of justice from a new approach or revive the old custom to supports governance over time to become in form of law.Unfortunately, there is no code evidence in ancient Egypt but scholars are attempted to study Egyptian law from different points of views to gain a nature of Egyptian law. We can see an apply the philosophy of justice by the King on the earth release the spirit of the law from strict human nature, because the customs and traditions are played a good role to control Egypt form dangerous of chaos in other societies. While the progressing of Egyptian society toward urbanism, they faced the problem of control the law principle from tyranny of the influence power of religion from time to time. In addition to, understand why ancient Egyptian accepting the possibility of separating between powers which depend on who is control the law during this period! Finally, to see philosophy of applyjustice effectively in ancient Egypt, it’s to show philosophy of daily life of Egyptian people toward a law in this time, not to investigate the noblemen life.The researcher has adopted the use of the analytical approach to the development aspects of the genesis of the law.We can conclude that the study of the history of ancient Egyptian law requires the study of philosophy of law and not waiting to discover the codes!