Labor protests on the background of the reality of the Egyptian society (Interpretive approach)

Document Type : Original Article



First: the subject and the problem of research
Egypt has witnessed in the past three years, many labor strikes and demonstrations seeking fairness by the state. Most of which are represented in protest against the arbitrariness of departments and administrative corruption which led to a decline in production in factories by 30% during the past three years and these labor protests come as an explicit expression of the depth of the economic and the social and political and political crisis which the country leads. And as a result of a number of factors that have combined with each other to push large numbers of workers to protest against their difficult working conditions. Among these factors the decline in the conditions and terms of employment for the majority of workers in Egypt, where significant reduction in wage rates and the Minimum of them, and large segments of them have not enjoyed the basic labor rights stipulated by Egyptian labor legislation and that include daily working hours and annual and sick, leave official and provide means of vocational health and safety and to take advantage of social insurance provided by the Public Institution for Social Security and the absence of health insurance and other conditions of decent work. Beside depriving the majority of wage earners in Egypt of the Right of Union Organization, either because of labor legislations that deprive large segments of them from the right of union organization  for reasons related to system of vocational classification issued by the Minister of Labor, which set professions that are allowed to join the unions, or either because of the weakness of the majority of Egyptian labor unions and confining themselves to reproduce the same leaders, and not interesting in the real problems that the workers in Egypt suffer from.