The Emergence of History in The Arab Islamic Civilization and The Impact of Quranic Narration

Document Type : Original Article



The goodness of God to human beings that sent them prophets and apostles, Vhmlhm Secretariat publication of his religion and communicate his messages and supported them holy books and miracles. Per Messenger was with his people line positions us some Quran. The Tnaht us news of the past two tribes by the Qur'an and the Hadith. And carried the stories of the prophets are many lessons, lessons, prompting the majority of Arabs and Muslims historians members private writings dealt with the history of the evolution of human civilization, which has encouraged the emergence of the science of history in the Arab-Islamic civilization. For this purpose, this study came in four chapters: the first included them views of scientists in the meaning of the word history, and in the second development of the science of history, as the third chapter genesis of the historical school, and in the fourth the impact of Quranic stories on this development, and the study concluded several results.