The Influence of Political / Religious Prejudice on Islamic Historical Sources with Reference to Abu Al-Awar Al-Salami

Document Type : Original Article



The depiction of the personality of Abu Al-Awar al-Sulami in our sources is clear  example of the affect of ideology and religion-political tendencies on the writing of history. Even though some sources do depict Abu Al-Awar al-Sulami in what one might call as  'positive' most of the sources depict him in a very negative manner. This stems from this personality's association with Mu'awiya b. AbiSufyan (41 A.H./661C.E. - 60 A.H./680 C.E.) and the latter's dispute with Ali (35A.H./656 C.E.-40 A.H./660 C.E.).
This work tries to unpack the historical process in which this personality was utilized to support an ideological and sectarian viewpoint in lieu of the first civil war.  These varied viewpoints affected the depiction of Abu Al-Awaral-Sulami as the historians during the Abbasid period were synthesizing their varied historical works.