Social dimensions of longevity Empirical Study on owners of long life

Document Type : Original Article



In an attempt to reach the factors that lead to the delay of aging or longevity in good health study was conducted for owners of long life who have reached the age of 75 years and more (113) Single to know their lifestyle and social factors that led to the length of their age have tried researcher of this study know anything increases the chances of survival through a meeting with owners of long life and their families, and showed results that communication and social interaction with friends, relatives and neighbors positive factor influencing the health human, also increase the rate of participation in social activities and social events and family between owners long life, and the results showed that the role of the individual in the vicinity of his family, his family and his community increases the satisfaction of psychological as Tzdadensbh physical activity and mental between the owners of long life and also a continuation of the individual at work increases the probability of longevity that the existence of a state of low social interaction in humans is negative and reducesthe likelihood of longevity.