Inflation and its social effect "A field study on a sample of poor citizens in Menoufia governorate "

Document Type : Original Article



            This study aims at detecting the social effects of  inflation  phenomena in the Egyptian society, as it has negative impacts on social structure, especially raising the rates of the poor and deepening the problem of poverty .
           This study targeted its main goal in analyzing the social effects of inflation on a sample of poor citizens in Menoufia governorate and by doing that we can be aware of how the high rates of inflation are reflected on the quality of life and the living standards of people and the same time how people are accustomed to this phenomena .
          To accomplish this goal and the light of the nature of this study , a case study has been adopted or used as a standard , so that it will be easy to detect the social effects of inflation on a sample study.
          Also observation and deepening  interviews have been used as tools together data –a detailed data – about study cases which have been chosen among the people of Menoufia governorate , including some poor classes of society .
         This study has concluded many results which directly expressed the negative effects of inflation on the poor- people sample, we mention the most important points which are :

Inflation caused a condition of severe and insulting in capability of poor family to meet its demands.
Family members in these poor families have no ability to know or plan their futures because of the problems caused by depravations or incapability  which in turn led to conflicts , social problems and repeated living crises .
This continuous incapability and depravation of these families will lead eventually to social disasters as a result of continuous raise of daily  and necessary life demands  .

        This study assures in its analysis of this inflation problem and its negative impacts on poor people that the most important demand of  those  poor people must be fulfilled which is ( social security ) and this demand is represented in fulfilling the minimum and important life standard  those  people at least .