Document Type : Original Article



Said Nursi, the first treatise ected Sunnah in all his works to give special attention to circumcision. He often emphasizes that his aim is to maintain and revive the sunnah. According to him; circumcision, is like a compass guiding individual and social life of Muslims, the Qibla namel.  He described circumcision as a guide in life and emphasizes in terms of meaning the importance of. Collection, rather than technical (procedural) dimension. His usage of a large number of hadith and sunnah material, show the richness of the culture of his hadith. Relationship between circumcision byfaith and worship, a trending function later in life,  and being the safest way of salvation in the most difficult and troubled times, are a few of his stand on important issues. Said Nursi, against departures and heresy, shows circumcision as reference in the way of salvation the mind, heart and soul. Establishing the relevance of circumcision by faith, and Muhabbetullah Nursi I casually mentioned that the reason of staying in the meritorious and deprivation brings prophetic intercession and  simplying and denying him or her face and the loss of the translator would be a big disappointment,