The Contributions of Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq to the History of the Early Islamic Period

Document Type : Original Article



          The study provides an analysis and an evaluation of Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq, who is one of the prominent figures in the early Islamic period. The personality of Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq has raised a lot of debate especially during the late period of the first caliphate ear particularly with what has to do with the murder of Othman and thenomination of Ali Bin AbiTaleb as the Caliph of Muslims.
            In the light of the related historical resources, the researcher has shown that Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq contributed a lot to the events that took place during the caliphate period of Othman. Here, the researcher highlighted the debate among historians on the role of Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq in the murder of Othman. Moreover, Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq contributed a lot to the events that took place during the caliphate period of Ali Bin AbiTaleb. Here, the researcher highlighted the participation of Mohammad Bin Abi Baker AlSideeq in the battle of AlJamal with Ali Bin AbiTaleb against Ali’s sister ’ayshah and his.

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