The Transformation of the Egyptian Personality An Analyses Study Of Contact some daily Newspapers 2009-2010

Document Type : Original Article



First: The Problem of the study:The current study problem is about:
 "The Transformation of the Egyptian Personality"
Second: The Objectives of the study:
            In the light of what was previously mentioned, the researcher specified the main aim of the study which is: "Recognizing the Transformation of the Egyptian Personality" and other subsidiary aims can be put as follows:
1- Recognizing the characteristics of the Egyptian Personality.
2- Discovering the factors that led to changes the characteristics of the Egyptian Personality.
3- Researching Of the relation between the transformations of the Egyptian Personality characteristics and the social structure of Egyptian society. 
4- Recognizing the Solutions that Included in the Egyptian Press to return the Lacking in the Egyptian Personality.
5-Recognizing the Actors those can change the Egyptian Personality.
3-Data collecting tool:
The recent study has depend on the" Form Content analysis" to Detected the View of the press article, The material was press opinion, The researcher has chosen  "Press article" In three newspapers:
1- Elmasry Elyom newspaper.
2- Elahram newspaper.
3- Elwafd newspaper.