Decisions of the Arabic Language Academy and the Hebrew Language Academy Comparative study in the method of linguistic renewal

Document Type : Original Article



Addresses the research methodology of renewal, which issued in light of the decisions of the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo, and the Academy of the Hebrew language of Israel, and in particular on the decisions of vocabulary, which serve mainly the subject of the expansion of Arabic and Hebrew to fill the void lexical in both languages and make 
Them Compatible to the requirements of the times and Requirements.
The purpose of this research is to try to access the constants methodology, which set out the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo and the Academy of the Hebrew language all in the renewal of his language as research seeks to monitor the points of agreement and differences between the two approaches in order to achieve our vision of a comprehensive comparison based on the monitoring of the discussion, and deliberations about issues concerning the future of languages in the field of linguistic innovation which yields the opportunity to see on the Arabic language experience    back to life after it was trapped in religious text.