Women’s issues in the poetry of Fahmida Riad

Document Type : Original Article



This paper deals with women’s issues in the poetry of Fahmida Riad and aims to identify the status of women in Pakistani society through the poems of the poet Fahmida Riad depiciting how women suffer in governer society and also alludes some of what women suffer for liberation and emancipation to impose itself and its existence.
I have chosen the poet Fahmida Riad to study women’s issues in her poetry; she is set to be one of the most important contemporary Urdu poets who handled a lot of women’s issues in their poetry, and because he poet is characterized by the specifity of poetic and aesthetic properties on both technical and substantive levels.
Research is based on creticising and integrative syllabus, focusing on the text primarily based entirety on the presentation and analysis and determin the poet’s status of women’s issues in her poems.
Then in the core of the research I introduced what the poet has addressed from discrimination between men and women, and the misunderstanding of the theory of ownership of women by men, and the cruelty of social norms that violate the common sense and Islam which are detrimental to women. The research concludes with a conclusion which recorded the most important findings of the research and at the end I showed the bibliographic source and references.