The Butcher,s implements in Iran during the Qajar period 1209-1344AH/1794-1925AD (The cleavers “saṭurs”)

Document Type : Original Article



The researcher of the metalworks in the Qajar period observed that the use of the pictorial scenes had no longer been confined to the copper and bronze. It belonged to the iron or steel as well. It also enabled the craftsmen to adopt technical and decorative processes different from the traditional ones. The aim of this study is to clarify how the craftsmen in the Qajar period were able to adopt new technical and decorative processes as well as new materials. That's through studying such unusual objects, which were "the cleavers or saṭurs " that were used as weapons. The cleavers were used for cutting meat and breaking animal's bones. They were employed either in houses or palaces or even inside slaughter shops, or during the hunting trips. The study will be focused on five main objects defined as masterpieces. They contained various decoration and pictorial scenes have never been applied on any cleavers from this period. Nevertheless, they are not less in value if compared with any other miniatures in the manuscripts and enameled objects in Iran, the factor that makes those five master pieces as a good example to study The pictorial scenes  in Qajar metalworks.