manifestations of polytheism which will return another decade after its extinction by the emergence of Islam and the reasons for return

Document Type : Original Article



This is a research in the Islamic tenet under title: ( manifestations of polytheism which will return another decade after its extinction by the emergence of Islam and the reasons for return (.
This research began by definition, and then the reasons for selecting the topic, the first reason is the  warning of the manifestations of polytheism , and secondly, take off the frustration of the people if they heard the predictions of evil, which will occur in the nation, and thirdly, the response to those who discouraging preachers , on the pretext that evil will not disappear forever, but will return images of  it in the nation once again, the fourth is the statement of the importance and learning of tenet for prevention of sedition, and the last of these reasons that the telling about the of evil incidences are signs of prophesy .
And then I focused on manifestations of polytheism because it's close related to my field in Islamic tenet and philosophy.
Also I  indicated that some kind of people will return to the most serious manifestations of polytheism , the worship of  idols, especially " Al-Lat " , " al- 'Uzza " , and " Thee al-khalsa " idols , on the basis of what the prophet ( Peace be upon him ) had told us  , the reported incidences and accidences are proofs and evidence of the fact, which had shown its occurrence, with correlation  between this and what had been evidenced by the Quranic verses and prophetic " hadiths " of the emergence of Islam above all religions.
Then the research  followed by talking about the reasons for the return of people to worship of those idols after they were saved by God " Allah " , and I summarized them in three reasons , first of which : polytheism and ignorance of  learning  monotheism, and the second is the near covenant of polytheism which still remain in body souls, and thirdly, the aberration and ignorance of the fact of monotheism.
At the end , I concluded  the  research with resources and references.