The impact of globalization on youth culture Saudi - Sociological analysis –

Document Type : Original Article



The current study seeks to achieve the goal of the year represented in the study of the Saudi youth and their vision towards globalization, values and culture, and knowledge of the mechanisms and factors that helped in finding these visions.
In this sense, The study tries to answer the questions of the following

What are the mechanisms of cultural globalization? And their impact on the Saudi youth trends and their vision?
What phenomena resulting from the cultural influence of the mechanisms of globalization trends and seeing young Saudis?

Through reliance on globalization as a tool and methodology knowledge which we can understand and interpret the theme of the study represented in Saudi influenced youth trends and their vision of the values of cultural globalization.
 The study includes a number of basic concepts will be analyzed through the Heritage theoretical and previous studies, so the aim of formulating operational definition of the concept, and these concepts are: globalization culture, youth, while based study systematically style descriptive analysis of the data and information collected from each of the desktop studies and previous field studies and also from published statistics which dealt with the problematic study, consistent and objective. Through deliberate intentional sample, obtained through a network of international information "online."
through globalization media, where results showed study that cultural values published by satellite and the Internet and mobile phone, as each of these mechanisms previous work on spreading the values reflect the culture of globalization such as culture consumer, also information and scientific and technical knowledge in the same time, we find values pornography and advocate absolute freedom for women and the prosecution of human rights as well as changing lifestyle and pursue music and fashion world, all these negative values and positive found existed in the past of mechanisms, on the other hand led social and economic transformations to shake system of cultural values and replace them with other elements replaced working to form cultural values new be young Saudis first affected by the resulting presence gap between the rate of evolution in technology, information and media in the context of globalization and the rate of the humanitarian response to the manifestations of this evolution, which leads to a clear imbalance in the balance of dealing humanitarian and the emergence of behavioral patterns is desirable in Saudi society Photo trends and directions of ad valorem.