The impact of rehabilition man power to participate activety in the labor market "study case"

Document Type : Original Article



There is no doubt that education and training of the key tools in the development and qualification of labor. Also, contribute to the formation and preparation of these forces for work. Education has gone through at different times at different stages.                       
The duties of education transferred from the family to specialist teachers, schools, colleges and universities and that after the development of techniques and means of work that need to knowledge and advanced skills.  We have suspended the hopes and aspirations on institutions and educational centers in the provision of labor, to create jobs more productive and appropriate for development needs. However, these hopes and expectations hit a lot of frustration and disappointment after the enormous scientific and technological development.                                       
Most of the educational and training institutions have become unable in many developing countries to achieve the desires and needs of the community to keep pace with technological developments that imposed on the mechanisms of the labor market.                                          
 This new situation led many   planners and decision makers to try to make education systems are able to contribute to the rehabilitation of labor. In order to achieve the goal of human life this is to achieve security in its various dimensions, especially economic, food and professional security. This is known as social security as conventional sense, and recently, the right to sustainable human development.                                                                                       
Since the possibility of young people's access to jobs in the formal sector, whether public or private sector is weak they are forced either to accept any jobs can be found in the informal sector of the economy or to abandon completely the idea of ​​participation in the labor market. Thus, waste benefit from the labor in the development and progress of society.