Family Violence In The Southern Badia Of Jordan

Document Type : Original Article



The goals of this study were to identify the respondents  perceptions  toward  family violence, family members who were exposed practice violence, The size of  the amount of knowledge about  family violence during the last year, the place of family violence, and the size of  family violence among family members in the Southern Badia of Jordan .
To achieve these goals, a questionnaire of face- to face structured interview was used to collect the data (200 respondents), and the cluster sample was drawn by the public statistics department.     
The results of descriptive analysis revealed that the majority of respondents (59%) had seen and heard about family violence cases in their local areas. Also the  analysis  revealed that 38,5% of respondents believe that family violence occurred in relatives families, 72,5% of  respondents believe that the husband in the family tended to be the practitioner of violence, 70%  believe that wives were the victim of  family violence, and 76,5% of respondents believe that shauting and screaming was the most common of  family violence among family members.