The letter factor Role and impact in the Guidance of some quranic readings

Document Type : Original Article



The factor and the applicable theory is one of the most important theories on which the Arabic grammar Based on.
This theory, which Foundations and established by the Grammarian (Mr. Alkhalil Ibn Ahmad Al-Farahidi) followed by  the genius student sibawayhi and among those Grammarians who came beyond him.
In this research,i loved To note by mention The significance of the grammar factor in the guidance of some quraanic readings,  which the  apparent Textual grammar factor Particularly has an effect in its guidance.
The secret of  our beauty  Immortal language , also the Significance of Religious motives  of arabic Grammar making, that  based on Very carefully Performance of Quran's ayats ,Eloquent sound Performance Beyond the limits of safety and eloquence.
The Disagreement of express linguistic between the reading that  lit and stoked the Desire In the hearts of readers of Basra  Particularly  to Posit the Grammars rules and Origins.
So that the Quran reader will Reveals the exact express linguistic