Stanzaic Verse of Poets during the Crusades

Document Type : Original Article



The present study centres on the projection of stanzaic verse for poets during the Crusades as a clear widespread landmark in their
poems leading the researcher to investigate and clarify its causes in form and context.
The study is a twofold: theoretical, and applied. The theoretical part deals with the comprehension of stanzaic poetry regarding language and terminology and the difference between stanzaic verse and the long poem. It also portrays the views of old critics in both. The applied part investigates this new form statistically, subjectively, with technical analysis throughout the works of most prominent poets: Almalek Alamjad, Aleimad Alasfahani, along with stanzaic appearances in the part allotted for Levantine poets in the book entitled Kharedat Alqasr wa Jaredat Alasr.