Impact of English Language on Art of Reportage in Urdu Language Reportage of "London Letter" by Qurratul Ain Hyder as a Model

Document Type : Original Article



calligraphy which is the Arabic calligraphy. But in terms of the language itself, there was a disagreement on the beginning of its origin.
The Urdu language was influenced, since its beginning by the Persian and Arabic languages and many expressions was derived from both languages specially that the Persian language was the formal language of the
Indian subcontinent in the era of Mughal emperors rule.
However, after the English occupation of the Indian subcontinent - after the failure of the national revolution of 1857 a.d. - and the dominance of English on all the reigns in the country, and after traveling of many Indians to learn in Europe, the influence of the English language increased on the Urdu language to the extent that the English words prevailed and became an integral part of the Urdu language so that the English synonym for many words is used as an alternative to the Urdu equivalent itself, not only that but the word sometimes is romanized within the Urdu text.
The effect was not only limited to vocabulary, phrases and expressions, but it has been also extended to the intrusion of many Western Arts to the Urdu culture like short story, the art of reportage, novelette, and other modernized arts that brought to the young Indians during their study in Europe, or by the impact of what reached to their hands of models of these Arts in the subcontinent itself.

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