Young University Student Use of Social Media and Satisfied Needs: A Field Study of a Sample of the University of Ajman Students United Arab Emirates

Document Type : Original Article



Social networking and new Internet technologies have contributed in changing the basic features of the media scene in the Arab world, after the process of communication of media were conducted in traditional methods and were subject to many restrictions and censorship. The media message today reaches to the public without restriction and the user became more daring in expressing their opinion.
No one is immune from the social media tools that are used in all directions anymore. Activists use them in their social campaigns and officials use them to communicate with their people, and used by media professionals in the defending and protecting their liberty.
Hence, its strong influence caused by social media to people through motivating and encouraging to participate in public life cannot be ignored and open space for exchanging and participating in transferring of information among all parties.
The social media has started presenting many different and various services. Some of these enable individuals to communicate with people of same interest and educational and social background like Facebook. It also provides service to the people by publishing news items or hot topics, and enables others to enter, comment and rate such blogs, In addition to services for uploading images and videos such as YouTube, and allow others for individuals to get some updates when they participate in this kind of sites such as Twitter.
Therefore, this study will seek to shed light on this phenomenon in an attempt by the researcher to identify the importance of social media and its role among young people. In addition to identifying the interests of university students in their communication through these means and the fulfillments they achieve by using these tools.