Context and intertextuality between the science of language of the text and science of jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article



This research studies two issues of serious language issues which the scientists of jurisprudence talked about in light of their studing of the Qur'anic text and the text language of scholars, which are:  context and intertextuality.
I have spoken in the topic of context of his relationship to textualism and how the context was an attempt to understand the text, and what is its relationship to the conversational situation prelude to know its role to understand the text, the process of understanding depends mainly on the ability of the listener / reader to use (knowledge of the world) and his experience of similar events in order to understand the language which deals with, and it makes the process of understanding possible.
All this made the scientists of the text the context and the text inseparable as they are two aspects in the same process. If  this is the context for the scientists of the text, the context for the fundamentalist was  One of the most prominent fundamental inference tools which  are important in the detection of the purpose of God in his text.
In the topic of intertextuality, I talked about the definition of intertextuality for the scientists of the text whom tied it to the processes of production and receiving. While jurisprudence scientists realized it by understanding the text itself, as the understanding of the text does not stop at the implications of compositions, and not stop at the frames of   the inner of   the  context of text related  to the texts, but will extend to a higher symmetry and the contrast between the texts