The Impact of traffic Pollution on the Environment in the Region of ALkhoms

Document Type : Original Article



With the acceleration of scientific progress and technological development achieved for a person gains a lot of material during the Renaissance and the Industrial increased movement of people from villages to industrial clusters in cities,. With the rapid development began to environmental problems and their adverse effects, reflected in the pollution of air, water, soil. The modes of modern transport in all forms and types and one of those great achievements, which have become a lifeline for the time being and a standard determines the degree of cultural development and variation between different countries of the world. Therefore, the environmental problems resulting from the increasing use of cars, and the attendant traffic congestion, it was a major cause of air pollution and noise to the detriment of public health of the population, and also affects the infrastructure of cities. The traffic is the organizer and the increasing incidents of auto turn cities into places unsafe and uncomfortable.                 
For cities that suffer from chronic problems in transportation, become an urgent need to improve public transport as a prerequisite for maintaining the balance between transport and urban growth and environmental conservation.
Have been introduced this subject for the first time in the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in 1976, which called for the heart of the trends in the patterns of transport in big cities in favor of mass transit and to policies that promote this approach in the development of transport to meet the needs of the majority of the population, as is reducing of traffic congestion and the problems environmental.