The Trade of slaves in the Gulf Area during the Third and Fourth A. H. Centuries the Ninth and Tenth A. D Centuries

Document Type : Original Article



The major concern of the present study is to investigate the trade of salves in the Gulf area during the third and fourth A. H. centuries the ninth and tenth A. D centuries. The study sheds light on the sources and origins of the slaves that were imported and offered for sale in the Gulf area during the medieval period. The study is also concerned with providing information on the price of slaves and examining the most important slave markets that flourished in the Gulf area during the Abbasids state .In addition, the study offers a detailed description of the political, economic and social impact the salves left behind in the Gulf society. The study concludes with the fact that slave trade in the Gulf area during the third and fourth A. H. centuries the ninth and tenth A. D centuries was a lucrative business and contributed a great deal to the development of the Abbasid state.