The Janissary Organization in the Ottoman State A Study Using the Functional Groups Concept

Document Type : Original Article



The Janissary forces are the military organization known in the Ottoman state since the early beginning of it, and represent one of the essential issues in the history of it. This organization played various roles across the history of this state until it was eventually dismantled. 
Actually, the Janissary organization was studied several times without being able to interpret it within one context that can explain the reasons behind the establishment of this organization in the Ottoman state, its course in the history of this state, reasons why in many cases it played negative roles such as the large number of rebellions that exhausted the state, and finally how this organization was destructed through a process of mass killing without paying much attention to the brutality of this action.
The current study is an attempt to study this military organization through the comprehensive interpretive concept of Functional groups. I believe that this concept has the analytical and interpretive ability through which the existence of the janissary organization in the Ottoman history can be explained. The concept also can answer questions such as what were the real reasons behind the establishment of this organization? Why were its members involved so roughly in politics that they killed the Sultan in some cases? What were the true reasons behind their several rebellions? And why was full eradication of its members, rather than jailing or exiling them, the only solution to get rid of this military institution.
Finally, it is hoped that this study can add a new perspective to the large number of studies about the janissary organization, and may contribute in clarifying its historical picture.