Indicators of Existing Types of Multiple Intelligences among Students with Learning Difficulties in Al tafilah Basic School Directorate and its relation to their academic achievement

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to identify the indicators of existing types of multiple intelligences among students with learning difficulties in Al tafilah basic school directorate and its relation to their academic achievement, for the purpose of a achieving the aims of this study a developed questionnaire was used to collect the data and distribute it amongst the target group which reached (78) children had a hyper activity behavior.                                                        
The Statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the findings of the questionnaire depending on arithmetic means and the Anova analyses.                                                                      
          The study has reached a group of findings of which the most important were:                                 
1 The results indicated the presence of indicators of multiple intelligences among students with learning difficulties.                                                
2 - The results indicated the existence of differences between the indicators of multiple intelligences among students with learning difficulties due to the variables of Gender and age.                             
3- The results indicated there was significant relationship between multiple intelligences andacademic achievement.