Economics and Jordanian Foreign Policy in Jordan (1952- 1999)

Document Type : Original Article



 In this research the economic factor appears as one of the important factors, which have been shaping the national-state power. Besides, it supports other factors, and participates in making them more effective. So, economics contributes strongly to formulate the national-state power in the final result. In our case study, Jordan is weak economically, and this weakness determined and made pressure on foreign policy and controlled the present options in front of it, which forced Jordan to search continuously for the foreign support resources. This appears clearly in most decisions of Jordanian foreign policy, during King Husein Binn Talal period (1952-1999). Jordan used its political decisions to beat economic problems, which have been lived, and remained during the Jordanian development periods. Also, availability of economic supports (Aids and loans) through money transferred from outside, or through foreign funds, which come out of good relations (Gulf countries), and political trends with West Countries (esp. U.S.A. and U.K.). Jordanian foreign policy decisions, thus supported the Jordanian situation locally, and regionally, and made it adaptable and acceptable to its economic issues. This was due to success of foreign political decisions in Jordan, which made the rule; “Economics is built on policy, not policy on economics “. As a result, it is difficult to evaluate the Jordanian economy apart from its foreign policy decisions, and for this, economics is a determined factor for the Jordanian foreign policy in the past, present, and future as long as the situation remained the same.